What is Strive to Thrive personal coaching and how can it help me?

Coaching is a positive, non-judgmental conversation that helps you look at your life with fresh eyes, find new options, set goals and take action. Coaching focuses on the future, guiding you towards what you CAN do (not why you haven’t done it in the past!).

Coaching helps you create a solid plan of action. The more you act, the more you trust yourself, and this leads to greater confidence and an increasing sense of joy and mastery.

Strive to Thrive Coaching is a safe place for your thoughts, feelings, hopes and desires. Bring your dreams, and I’ll help you put them into action.

How much does personal coaching cost?

One-on-one coaching starts at $1,500 (plus GST) for 12 weekly sessions.

I offer a free initial consultation so you can explore your goals and make sure we’re a good match.

How many sessions do you recommend?

For most people, 12 sessions works best because it gives you time to create momentum towards achieving your goals. Just as it’s impossible to lose weight in one workout, it takes longer than a month to make sustainable changes.

Where and when does coaching take place?

Most people prefer the convenience of coaching by phone, Skype or video call. You can schedule sessions any time from early morning to late evening. If you’re in the Lower Mainland, in-person sessions at your location may also be an option.

I’m a student. How can coaching help me?

Coaching brings out your fullest potential by helping you:

  • Master your study time with easy-to-use time-management tools
  • Define your goals so you can prioritize tasks and create a measurable plan of action
  • Perform at the highest level if you’re in a highly competitive area of study
  • Achieve a specific goal, such as a higher GPA or acceptance into a competitive program

How can coaching support my fitness training?

Coaching is a powerful supplement to any exercise program, especially if you have a specific fitness goal, such as losing weight or training for a long-distance run.  Coaching helps you spot potential barriers and create a plan to overcome them. And by putting you in touch with WHY your goal matters to you, coaching keeps you committed from day to day.

Can coaching help me if I have chronic illness or cancer?

Yes! Coaching empowers you by helping you define what wellness really means to you so you can create a meaningful plan to achieve it. Coaching is a gentle, non-intrusive supplement to your medical care. Illness is a great disrupter, often changing life values. Coaching can help you reframe your life, prioritize your new values and move steadily towards YOUR definition of wellness.

I’m not sure what my problems or goals are. I just know something’s missing.

You’re not alone! Coaching gives you the insight and support to step away from all the outer “shoulds” and the inner “critics” so you can figure out what really matters to YOU on a deep level. Once you discover your core beliefs and values, coaching helps you plan what steps to take to make your dreams a reality.


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